3 research outputs found

    Understanding the Potential Impact of Multiple Robots in Odor Source Localization

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    We investigate the performance of three bio-inspired odor source localization algorithms used in non-cooperating multi-robot systems. Our performance metric is the distance overhead of the first robot to reach the source, which is a good measure for the speed of an odor source localization algorithm. Using the performance distribution of single-robot experiments, we calculate an ideal performance for multi-robot teams. We carry out simulations in a realistic robotic simulator and provide quantitative evidence of the differences between ideal and realistic performances of a given algorithm. A closer analysis of the results show that these differences are mainly due to physical interference among robots

    Tracking Odor Plumes in a Laminar Wind Field with Bio-Inspired Algorithms

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    We introduce a novel bio-inspired odor source localization algorithm (surge- cast) for environments with a main wind flow and compare it to two well-known algorithms. With all three algorithms, systematic experiments with real robots are carried out in a wind tunnel under laminar flow conditions. The algorithms are compared in terms of distance overhead when tracking the plume up to the source, but a variety of other experimental results and some theoretical considerations are provided as well. We conclude that the surge-cast algorithm yields significantly better performance than the casting algorithm, and slightly better performance than the surge-spiral algorithm